Do what you love.

What is CareerChoiceGPS™?

CareerChoiceGPS™ is a career planning package that delivers objective and statistically calibrated insights to anyone anticipating a career transition.

Who is CareerChoiceGPS™ for?

  • High school student considering next steps (college, technical school, professional certification?)
  • College or technical school student exploring best options for majors, courses of study, schools, etc.

  • College or technical school graduate determining which employer suits you best.

  • Military veteran determining your next ideal mission in the civilian workforce and how to prepare.

  • Any of the roughly 75% of American workers currently in a “dead-end job” looking for their next best options.

Why CareerChoiceGPS™?

Everyone has unique talents and strengths; he or she needs a tool that reveals them and provides a list of statistically calibrated career choices prioritized by those strengths. This one-of-a-kind technology helps job seekers weigh the advice of their most trusted advisers against statistical data comparing your innate powers to those of successful professionals already working in a variety of fields.

This technology leverages science built on more than 35 years of ground-breaking research, analyzing millions of assessments from more than 3,500 companies in 34 countries.

Tools for a new
generation of workers,
leaders, and

Quick Stats

35 Million + professional assessments for comparison.

Completed by >1000 users.

Trusted by >3,500 companies to select employees.

Psychometric depth provided by 324 assessment items.

Backed by 35+ years of research.

Measures 7 unique personality traits.

1 detailed personalized report per user.

Access to 150+ career families.

How do our products help you?

They are actionable, helping users succeed.

Lots of assessments give information about a person’s current abilities and interests. CareerChoiceGPS™ identifies the particular traits that look beyond your current situation, towards your future potential and highest probability impact. Every package includes a video interpretation guide and career planning workbook with expert advice to help explain your report and all of the raw data it contains to make your profile easy to understand.

They are sustainable, continuing to help beyond this moment in time.

CareerChoiceGPS™ keeps working for you. Since it reflects your innate strengths, developed between ages 0 and 16, and learned behaviors, some still forming, you will use this information throughout your professional career. You see this information is a part of you that plays out every day in the decisions you make and the way you work. This data illustrates the roots of what you naturally prefer and can be used to guide you to your next best job opportunity all the way to your selection of vocations after you retire.

They give predictive results, not just descriptive analysis.

CareerChoiceGPS™ measures seven personality traits that have been statistically demonstrated to predict future success in 66 career families and hundreds of jobs. These traits are established early in life and rarely change. Our assessment even provides you insight into variable factors, such as your current self-confidence and ability to handle stress.

They are reliable, filtering out the noise to bring out a user's career potential.

CareerChoiceGPS™ features an in-depth set of 324 items to calibrate these seven key personality traits, filtering out outlier-single answers (most free or “inexpensive” career assessments) that may highlight a single set of strengths or interests in favor of an overall view that is an honest look at your best professional potential.

What sets us apart?

Prior Learning

Education looks different for everyone. Yes, formal classroom settings are typical, but as we all know, life experience is often the best tool to understand a subject thoroughly. The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning has recognized the CareerChoiceGPS™ assessment as a critical first step to help evaluate the extent that these life experiences can constitute equivalent college credit in related subjects, assisting takers to move through education and into real life more quickly.

Over a Thousand Satisfied Users

Over a thousand individuals have used this technology from high school students to college students to transitioning Veterans to mid-career professionals looking for their best career moves. Statistically validated career advice based on the same algorithm used by over 3500 companies considering over 25 million candidates for hiring, succession planning, and professional development. Our database is safe and secure.

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